So that guy Bryan Johnson—the venture capitalist whose big thing is chasing immortality, and who you might recognize from the clickbait about him harvesting his teenage son’s blood plasma—gave a talk the other evening and for whatever reason Matthew Donovan was organizing it. Or rather, DeSciNYC (“Decentralized Science”) organized it as part of their “monthly NYC meetup for science enthusiasts to learn, share projects, and socialize” and Mike the DeSciNYC guy tapped Donovan to help host the talk and promote it and whatever. And that’s basically why it was “The Immortality Party” featuring Bryan Johnson with hosts Nolita Dirtbag and Danny Cole (Creature World) and Neoliberalhell and Yung Nihilist and PradaHorseShoe with DJ sets by Angel Emoji from Frost Children and We Take Manhattan. I guess I’m just amused by how there’s such an art to curating the (ultimately meaningless) names on these party flyers, and how this one has Donovan’s unmistakable signature. I’d recognize it from a mile away. If Bryan Johnson were more of an obvious Silicon Valley fascist then Donovan’s touch would be out of place, the organizers would need to get someone with a more racist clique. But this particular list does sort of match the guy’s Warholian goofiness. You don’t actually need to know any of the names, just trust my assessment of the vibe. With these endorsements you can be sure that Bryan Johnson is just another quirked-up rich dude trying to get attention for his madcap pet project by posting on the internet. The project? Just be young and weird forever. Don’t Die.
© 2025 Michael Crumplar
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