Bladee was trying to say he wasn't feeling it lol

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anyways if the muted response to this one hasn’t already made it clear, i think you’re going to discover pretty quickly that your modest following isn’t much interested in your own personal diary or “fictions” or whatever. you’ve got to maintain the altitude you’ve been at these past few months for at least half a decade to reach a place where a sizable crowd will be willing to go wherever else your mind takes you. worse yet, given that the downtown poser fash movement still has some thiel left in the tank and its idiot evils have yet to be vanquished, this post seems to suggest you never really were all that interested in the challenge they pose to decent art and human decency – it’s as though you just detailed their embarrassing failures for as long as they could “give momentum” to crumps as a bankable persona. whatever your motivations, literally everybody would rather see you continue to dunk on these morons (or document their feeble attempts at redemption, should they ever grow up). as it happens, yeah, even a review of honor levy’s assuredly bad book will get more attention and be more broadly productive than you doing some first-person autofiction about you eating shrooms in the desert or whatever. lorentzen is a shit-drinking idiot, to be sure, but he’s right to identify you as a critic. find out the hard way if you must

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Ownage comment

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Nah You Tweakin.

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unfortunate when dinosaurs try to use slang.

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Crumps got to meet Bladee wtf

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Hi there. So I fell down an internet rabbit hole and came across your stuff, Mike. I don't live in New York; I don't know much about Lacan or about avant-garde, Gen Z web personalities. But I want to comment on your recent Substack essays all the same. Consider this an outsider's perspective, I guess.

You're obviously a smart guy. It's hard for me to parse what you actually think about life and the world though. On the one hand, you seem to be a sincere socialist who wants injustice to stop and wants to make a real impact. You want to "spawn IRL"--to have meaningful friendships and exciting experiences that aren't coming from a computer screen. Am I close to the truth?

But on the other hand there's all this. . .this name dropping. This strange academic jargon. This impenetrable wall of irony. And it means I can't actually know for sure who you are, what's real about you and what's not. Maybe you're just a clout chaser, after all. Or maybe you're a confused kid who doesn't know what he wants. Who's still figuring it out.

I think internet addiction is real. I'm 38-years-old, and it's certainly been real in my life from age 12 on. I've fixated on the dark corners of the internet, too--not necessarily the same dark corners as you but close enough that I can relate.

You've been documenting your encounters with these Dimes Square people. . .how different is that, really, from analyzing the hidden meanings in Elliot Rodger? It's kinda all coming from the same poisoned digital well, isn't it?

You want to engage with the material world, how about this? Get a job at a McDonald's, try to unionize it, and blog about your experiences. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure you could think of a hundred things that are more interesting than that.

Just be careful not to gaze into the abyss too long. All these right-wing internet nihilists really are that: a monstrous abyss.

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This feels like the perfect ending to an annoying yet engaging chapter. You have angelicism coping in the comments, a bladee flex that doesn't add anything to the piece, and a thousand new subscribers. Have fun i guess.

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could've used more bladee

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Gonna tell my kids this was Freddie DeBoer

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I like the way Crumplar thinks! His witty and tactful takedowns of transphobic fascists are saving the New York arts & podcasting scene.

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crumps I didnt read all this but ur like the capote and every1 else is trying to be like warhol does this make sense

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The scene was always dead, now it knows it’s dead. Time to move on to things that actually matter, like: collective organizing.

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Thank you for sharing Mike

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love that u met bladee

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IDK why people expect everything to be like the last piece. It's like people are complaining that Dan Rather fell off after covering the Kennedy assassination. A problem Dan Rather could only have solved by becoming Johnny Knoxville.

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mike, have you heard tyler cassidy's music? it might scratch your itch for the super offensive yet undeniably good stuff

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“Dean and Honor, and Lorentzen himself for that matter, are now characters in my own narrative fiction”

uh…do you mean non-fiction? if not, what is the significance of this word choice “fiction” crumps are you lying to us you rascal

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