Communist Faggot.

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Reading these from the mountain west is like reading science fiction. Does any of it actually exist? Is Dimes Square real? Is angelicism real or a just a Marinetti clone that spent the last 100 years in a pickle bottle before being unleashed on the 21st century. And who understands NFTs anyway? Whatever. This is good shit. Keep writing.

"Real life can sometimes bear an unsettling resemblance to nightmares." Bolaño. Nazi Lit.

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we need to hang out so I can shamelessly rip off your style and make it effeminate WHILE having you in the text

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i liked it when you wrote the big words .

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damn your writing is essentially unreadable but your persona as someone eaten alive from the inside by bizarre online obsessions and clout chasing is fascinating.

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dude, this is so much fun to read. love it

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what you describe gives me the same joyless vibe of florentina holzinger's Commedia's adaptation or anne himhof's work. seems just like a continuation of the current aesthetic.

anyway, thanks for documenting it. i enjoy your reporting.

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awful worthless post

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