I read all of them as objects of the article. Crumps, while a talented writer, is also functionally a caricature of a different NYC-based subculture that defines itself in opposition to these people. As was said in another comment by Heathcliff, "this shit is stupid. they’re not fascist and he’s not communist. they’re all just rich kids entitled to their opinions, but pretending it matters outside their circlejerk is deluded. " Crumps clearly understands himself as having some personal and professional stake in this sphere, which is why he keeps returning to cover this scene that actively hates him and uses him (as well-articulated and cogent as that coverage may be). Every aspect of this is completely embarrassing, and Crumps is pathologically unable to firmly place himself on ground "above" these morons despite clearly being much smarter than them. I distance myself from all of this nonsense by not living in New York City.
Calling this scene a "circle jerk" gives the people involved way too much credit with regard to actually getting laid.
Anyway, I moved to New York City myself a decade ago because I hate cars and love the smell of hot trash in the morning, but, like you, I distance myself from all of this nonsense by not living in Manhattan or anywhere near the L train.
I read all of them as objects of the article. Crumps, while a talented writer, is also functionally a caricature of a different NYC-based subculture that defines itself in opposition to these people. As was said in another comment by Heathcliff, "this shit is stupid. they’re not fascist and he’s not communist. they’re all just rich kids entitled to their opinions, but pretending it matters outside their circlejerk is deluded. " Crumps clearly understands himself as having some personal and professional stake in this sphere, which is why he keeps returning to cover this scene that actively hates him and uses him (as well-articulated and cogent as that coverage may be). Every aspect of this is completely embarrassing, and Crumps is pathologically unable to firmly place himself on ground "above" these morons despite clearly being much smarter than them. I distance myself from all of this nonsense by not living in New York City.
Calling this scene a "circle jerk" gives the people involved way too much credit with regard to actually getting laid.
Anyway, I moved to New York City myself a decade ago because I hate cars and love the smell of hot trash in the morning, but, like you, I distance myself from all of this nonsense by not living in Manhattan or anywhere near the L train.