What an hilarious, damning indictment of modern culture it is that New York’s current zeitgeist is k-addled rich kids pretending to be Catholics or whatever, obsessing over idiotic Twitter accounts and vacuous podcasts, creating absolutely nothing of literally any interest or merit. This is what happens when anyone actually eccentric or interesting gets gradually financially eradicated from a scene. Just a bunch of trust funders doing a shitty cover version of a song they’re too lame to pull off. What a load of absolute garbage.

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Enlighten an old-timer: is part of the “clout” of these names the reader is supposed to know that almost none of them have Wikipedia entries? Is Wikipedia just for the old and the normies? Are we just meant to already know them from social media? I think the red scare girl and the Vack guy have wiki pages but that seems to be about it.

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Love the tone in this, one of your best pieces yet

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Reads like the 2023 equivalent of “Taipei”

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In about eleven seconds this stuff is gonna feel more dated than the trailer for REALITY BITES.

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this is so depressing

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What a bunch of fuckin losers. It's no surprise they struggle to create any meaningful art. They spend too much time obsessing over how people perceive them they can't create any art worth a damn.

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crumps you make fascism seem so fun! borderline sexy.

defnly great writing. more of dideon than tao lin vibe i would say.

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Feel like I'm in a Bret Easton. Ellis jaunt.

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It's giving me Bret Easton Ellis energy.

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Then go read more Bret

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This all seems like fun

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